How To Remove Floorboards

How To Remove Floorboards

Removing flooring made simple with the Gutster. Find out the quickest way to remove your floorboards. For a fair few DIY or renovation projects, you’ll need to get underneath or entirely remove your floorboards. This could be to reach pipes or just to replace them. To...
How To Safely Demolish Walls

How To Safely Demolish Walls

Save your money and remove the wall yourself! Follow the Gutster Bar tips and tricks for safely completing the job with handheld demolition tools. Whether it’s to create more space, make room for a door, or completely change the style of the property, removing a wall...
How To Take Down Decking

How To Take Down Decking

Taking down your decking can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and a solid set of instructions, it’s as easy as ever. How do I know when my decking needs replacing? There’s a few signs to tell when your decking might be starting to become unsafe, and...
How To Demolish Garden Structures

How To Demolish Garden Structures

Looking for the simplest way to demolish a garden structure? Look no further. Taking down garden structures can feel like a very tricky, ‘Where do I start?’, kind of task, but it really isn’t as difficult as it may seem. Safety Wear: Let’s start with the absolute...
How To Remove Fence Posts

How To Remove Fence Posts

Removing fence posts has never been so simple! Using the Gutster Demolition Bars, follow our three simple steps. Often, you’ll see construction jobs bringing out the heavy duty machinery to remove fence posts, but in reality, you don’t need all of that equipment if...