How To Demolish Garden Structures
January 15, 2023
Neil Bruce

Looking for the simplest way to demolish a garden structure? Look no further.

Taking down garden structures can feel like a very tricky, ‘Where do I start?’, kind of task, but it really isn’t as difficult as it may seem.

Safety Wear:

Let’s start with the absolute essentials; PPE. Demolition jobs should always be carefully planned out and monitored, ensuring that you always wear the correct and appropriate PPE, but you’ll always need to be wearing the following items.

  • Safety Goggles
  • Safety Gloves
  • Hard Hat
  • Steel Toe Cap Boots
  • High-Visibility Vest or Jacket (if on a site)
  • Face Mask (this is depending on the type of material you are working with)

Demolishing a Structure:

Before you even start tearing down any of the structure, ensure that any electric, gas or water supply to it is switched off and stopped. The last thing you want is to cause more damage and disruption than what you’re about to do! If you have an electrical supply to the structure, turn the breakers off, and if you have a water supply, ensure that you’ve shut the valves off.

The most efficient and effective way to start this process is by working outside in and then top to bottom. With this in mind, begin by removing any finishing details, such as hooks and corner trims.
Once this is done, start on the roof. You can either do this neatly and unscrew each part, which, if your structure is in good overall condition, can be a good idea as you can then sell the individual pieces on. You can be a bit rougher with the process and go in with your demolition pry bar and remove the roof that way. When the demolition bar is used correctly, however, the individual parts will remain in good condition. We would recommend trying out the Gutster Ceiling Bar for this.

Now onto the roof decking. Remove this by loosening the nails with a hammer or a smaller pry bar and lift the sheet off. Once this is complete you’re good to remove any other roof infrastructure, such as the roof brace.

The next step is to remove all the windows and doors. You can use a demolition bar for this too, but you’ll need to do this carefully if you’re looking to sell these pieces on.

Now for the walls. You need to start by removing any connections that the wall has to the flooring, which you can do using the smaller pry bar to get any nails or screws out. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to pry the walls away from each other easily. Just remember that as you do this, the structure will become less stable so you may require a second pair of hands.

You’re now left with just the floor, which you can demolish with ease using a demolition bar. We would recommend using our 1.5 Flooring Bar or the 1.2 Demolition Bar.

Gutster Demolition Bars:

At Gutster Tools, our main focus is creating quality tools that make working life easier, faster, and more effective. Our demolition bars are designed to suit a range of projects and requirements, being suitable for professionals and novices alike.